It is to offer dynamic and constantly updated programs. Our plan is to incorporate every available resource and to reach out to other charities that cover areas we do not. Our primary focus is on the end recipient, the individual, You.
We try to help those that are going through times of Grief and Despair. That is where you come in also.
We have a very very SPECIAL DAY called the Day of Compassion Crusade. Others have done it, but we have been doing it since 1998! Just look at this picture. Look at the Pain. We are Grateful for all your support!
There are those who have suffered the above situation(s); maybe you have and know first hand what it means. Our founder does. His Mother died on a Monday; His sister was murdered in California that same week on Wednesday; and His nephew died...a baby in the hospital that Friday. So three (3) generations died in one week. He KNOWS grief. and He has a way to relieve others of it...
It's called The Day of Compassion Crusade World Wide Compassion Inc
A lot of people are doing this now, and we are thankful, But! We know we have relief from Grief with a way that works!
Storms happen in each of lives at some point. Maybe a STORM has hit you, or Maybe a family member, or even someone you know. Unemployment, health issues, loneliness, whatever the storm...The World Wide Compassion members and partners want to be there for you! Help us Help others. Every life matters to us, Race, Preferences, Religion, Non-Religion, we are here to do what our name says...World Wide Compassion Foundation, a major sponsor of The Day of Compassion Crusade WWC!